Saturday, September 14, 2013

Day 62: Alma 61-62


What a beautiful Saturday we have had here in Oklahoma!  It was in the low 80's and breathtaking!  I am still not feeling 100% but feeling much better than I did this morning.  Hopefully I am back to normal by tomorrow!

I will go ahead and get right on with our reading today.  Yesterday we closed our reading with Moroni sending an epistle to Pahoran asking why he did not send help to aid his armies.  He accused him of many things.  Today we read Pahoran's response.  I am always amazed by this every time I read it.  Pahoran did not get defensive or hurt, he simply stated what happened.  I can learn so much from this interaction.  I found this great quote on

    Alma 61. Response to Unjustified Scolding

  • Elder Neal A. Maxwell explained how differences can occur even between faithful members: “In a perfect church filled with imperfect people, there are bound to be some miscommunications at times. A noteworthy example occurred in ancient American Israel. Moroni wrote two times to Pahoran complaining of neglect because much-needed reinforcements did not arrive. Moroni used harsh language, accusing the governor of the land, Pahoran, of sitting on his throne in a state of ‘thoughtless stupor.’ (Alma 60:7.) Pahoran soon made a very patriotic reply, explaining why he could not do what Moroni wanted. Though censured, Pahoran was not angry; he even praised Moroni for ‘the greatness of your heart.’ (Alma 61:9.) Given the intense, mutual devotion of disciples, discussions as to how best to move the Lord’s work along are bound to produce tactical differences on occasion. Just as in this episode, sometimes scolding occurs that is later shown to be unjustified”.

    Alma 62:41. The Effects of Adversity

  • Elder Dallin H. Oaks explained that we choose how we will be affected by adversity:
    “Surely these great adversities are not without some eternal purpose or effect. They can turn our hearts to God. … Even as adversities inflict mortal hardships, they can also be the means of leading men and women to eternal blessings.
    “Such large-scale adversities as natural disasters and wars seem to be inherent in the mortal experience. We cannot entirely prevent them, but we can determine how we will react to them. For example, the adversities of war and military service, which have been the spiritual destruction of some, have been the spiritual awakening of others. The Book of Mormon describes the contrast:
    “‘But behold, because of the exceedingly great length of the war between the Nephites and the Lamanites many had become hardened, because of the exceedingly great length of the war; and many were softened because of their afflictions, insomuch that they did humble themselves before God, even in the depth of humility’ (Alma 62:41).
    “I read of a similar contrast after the devastating hurricane that destroyed thousands of homes in Florida some years ago. A news account quoted two different persons who had suffered the same tragedy and received the same blessing: each of their homes had been totally destroyed, but each of their family members had been spared death or injury. One said that this tragedy had destroyed his faith; how, he asked, could God allow this to happen? The other said that the experience had strengthened his faith. God had been good to him, he said. Though the family’s home and possessions were lost, their lives were spared and they could rebuild the home. For one, the glass was half empty. For the other, the glass was half full. The gift of moral agency empowers each of us to choose how we will act when we suffer adversity”>

Have a great night everyone!  I am off to bed.


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